Category Archives: Fitness

Day 6 at PBT

Kickboxing on day 5 Friday had less cardio I think. For the last half, we rotated from bag to bag doing alternate exercises. I lost a lot of momentum and didn’t feel as drained.

However my HBP caught up with me mid-day…I’ve been neglecting to take the meds, thinking that the exercise would sustain me. I threw in an extra dog walk just to try to calm my system, but my body really need the meds.

I think the uneven meal volumes played havoc with my digestion. I need to throw in some extra fiber to get regular again. Tummy was not happy! 

Back to bands-ercise today, day 6, targeting mostly upper body, arms. Maybe I don’t need to purchase some extra weights, since my personal band set has been going unused for the last 4 weeks.

My BP this morning was back to 117, thanks to a long night’s sleep and the meds mid-afternoon. 

Still sore all over, but most of the pain is enhanced only when I’m idle or trying to extend past normal limits (like fast singles). 


Day 3 at PBT

Still sore from Day 1. Did I mention I went shopping on Monday in high-heeled boots? I think that exarcebated the pain in my calves and shins. Ow. Ow. Ow.  Limping around work yesterday got me some attention.

Well Bands-ercise yesterday wasn’t so exciting. I had more trouble trying to wrap the bands around me than getting the exercises done. I supplemented by doing some cores in the evening.

Wednesday kickboxing was definitely harder. I struggled through most of the session and just couldn’t keep up. I need to get more sleep…still catching up from Monday’s 4 hours of bedrest.

Methinks exercising too late in the evening is keeping me awake longer, may have to do them earlier.

Sitting around definitely makes the leg pain worse. The dog walk this morning made a difference…just need to keep moving.

When can I get sculpted shoulders? Mirrors at the gym really makes me realize that I have zero definition upper torso. Would love to sport musculature up there. I prolly need to invest in some heavier dumbbells…I think I’ve outgrown the 3lb weights I currently have.

El Pollo Regio needs to provide a nutritional guide. I’d love to get me some charcoal grilled chicken!

Seriously though, I have not been keeping up with the food. Been too busy. I weighed in at 146 this morning (nekkid weight). Not sure if that’s just lack of food or water loss.

Post-walk BP is 148/94. Still need to take meds midday. Darn.


First day at PBT

Rise and shine!

Got up at 5:35 coz the fiance came to bed. I grumbled, tried to get back to sleep, but the inevitable 5:40am alarm rang. Grrr…

Bundled up, jumped into the truck and drove to PBT. Hey, looks like a decent-sized class.

Little did I know that putting on the handwraps would be the easiest part of the class…

45 grueling minutes of non-stop, fast-paced cardio and kickboxing. My legs were sore!!!

Yuck, sweat. That’s going to be the norm for indoor workouts, I guess.

I think I’m going to need a bigger towel.


Exercise info of the day:

Ab crunches: 100 crunches in 2 minutes = 6-10 calories lost 
