First day at PBT

Rise and shine!

Got up at 5:35 coz the fiance came to bed. I grumbled, tried to get back to sleep, but the inevitable 5:40am alarm rang. Grrr…

Bundled up, jumped into the truck and drove to PBT. Hey, looks like a decent-sized class.

Little did I know that putting on the handwraps would be the easiest part of the class…

45 grueling minutes of non-stop, fast-paced cardio and kickboxing. My legs were sore!!!

Yuck, sweat. That’s going to be the norm for indoor workouts, I guess.

I think I’m going to need a bigger towel.


Exercise info of the day:

Ab crunches: 100 crunches in 2 minutes = 6-10 calories lost 
