Day 6 at PBT

Kickboxing on day 5 Friday had less cardio I think. For the last half, we rotated from bag to bag doing alternate exercises. I lost a lot of momentum and didn’t feel as drained.

However my HBP caught up with me mid-day…I’ve been neglecting to take the meds, thinking that the exercise would sustain me. I threw in an extra dog walk just to try to calm my system, but my body really need the meds.

I think the uneven meal volumes played havoc with my digestion. I need to throw in some extra fiber to get regular again. Tummy was not happy! 

Back to bands-ercise today, day 6, targeting mostly upper body, arms. Maybe I don’t need to purchase some extra weights, since my personal band set has been going unused for the last 4 weeks.

My BP this morning was back to 117, thanks to a long night’s sleep and the meds mid-afternoon. 

Still sore all over, but most of the pain is enhanced only when I’m idle or trying to extend past normal limits (like fast singles). 
