Tag Archives: spring gardens

Plants I Wish I Had Started (Sooner)

Now that we are entering summer, I find myself reflecting on what I could have done better this year in terms of starting and growing plants. I’ve compiled a list of seeds/plants below that I hope to get started for next year.


  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Common chives
  • Variegated berggarten sage


  • Marigolds
  • Zinnias
  • Cosmos
  • Nasturtiums
  • Mexican hats ratibida columnifera and pinnata
  • Scabiosa
  • Coneflower


  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplants
  • Romaine/leafy greens
  • Onions
  • Garlic

Other ornamentals:

  • Salvia
  • Variegated lantana
  • Mexican oregano poliomintha
  • Skullcap
  • Asclepias
  • Yarrow achillea
  • Gaura
  • Variegated society garlic
  • Stachys coccinea pow wow or mountain red

I’m sure to amend this list throughout the year.

Dianthus, Super Bloomer

There’s nothing more satisfying than dianthus crowned in blooms during spring. My Stargazer plants burst into bloom early April, and unlike the chinensis varieties, this perennial hybrid has reliably returned despite some harsh summers.

I’ve had Coconut Punch on my plant wishlist for sometime, but I’m thinking of adding more such as striped Pinball Wizard and green eyed Mojito.

If a longer-lived Super Parfait-type dianthus ever came on to market, I’d be a happy gardener.

Hardy Hibiscus Returns

With baited breath I closely watched my hibiscus plants for any signs of life. They spent the winter outdoors under a tent. I was fairly certain that the variegated tropical hibiscus I grew from starter plants bought on Etsy in 2021, Snow Queen and Rose Queen, met an untimely demise due to the cold.

Excited to see the Summer Carnival making a comeback.

End of March Garden Scenes

Progress pictures on the late winter, early spring garden.

Take a look closer and one can see the seedlings starting to pop!

Lest we forget, the narcissus and tulip show ramping up for April blooms.

Unboxing: Texas Tomato Cages

I’m stepping up my tomato growing game in 2021. I started my Sun Sugar cherry and Sugar Gloss currant tomatoes indoors in late January. They were seedlings by February 2. The vigorous young starts were then up potted in early March.

About the same time, I planned to take 5 of each tomato to raise in grow bags, so I picked up some 15g grow bags off Amazon.

But remembering the last time I raised a single Sun Sugar tomato, I decided to purchase cages from Texas Tomato Cages. On my order are MDC6 6 Medium 20″ Diameter Cages @ 169.99, which are 6 foot cages, coming 6 per pack. I already have 2 collapsible cages from a previous purchase, but from a different source (got them from Calloways), but these Texas cages are definitely quality. Yes, my math didn’t quite match the number of tomato plants I plan to grow, so I may have to get more cages. They are in-state so shipping is fast.