Tag Archives: puppies

Dandy Denied

The prednisone isn’t working. Earlier this week, the pain kept Dandy immobile, and she cried nearly all the time when I attempted to move her or pick her up. As early as yesterday, I decided to separate Doogie and crate him in the kitchen so that Dandy can recuperate in peace. She visited the vet again and changed medication to an NSAID, Previcox. The next two months will be a grueling one as the household adjusts to a pup who will be confined to strict crate rest. She will be fed in the crate and only allowed outside to take care of business. Otherwise she will be carried everywhere. The vet insists on getting an MRI, and he also indicated that surgery might be likely.

Knowing the information on IVDD, surgery is not a guaranteed fix. I’m willing to take a chance to go the long route to get Dandy better. What will certainly not be in Dandy’s future is jogging. As much as I enjoy taking the pups out for a run, I am sure that it did nothing but aggravate a condition prevalent with low-slung breeds.

I purchased a crate divider online, having lost or misplaced the one that came with my Midwest double door 36″ crate. Total came to about $30 online from CagesDirect.com. Let’s hope they follow through and ship the divider in timely fashion.

Back problems

Dandy's Xray 9/11/09I just recovered from a week of back issues when suddenly my pup decided to follow suit. Dandy went into the vet on Friday after 4-5 days of decreased mobility. She occasionally yelped if she moved suddenly or if Doogie collided into her. She slowly, very carefully, climbed up and down curbs when out for a walk. As much as tried to poke and prod her to see where the pain might be, she didn’t react. The veterinarian revealed some concerns that she may be suffering from a common ailment in dachshunds. Spondylosis was one item listed on her chart. Anyway, Dandy received a pain-killer shot and is currently on steroids. The vet prescribed strict crate rest and no activity for a week. That’s a tough thing to do if you’re an active-lifestyle pup!

Puppy slowdown

The past few days has seen Dandy in a lethargic state. She doesn’t appear to be in any pain, but she has been unusually quiet and walking very slowly. This is a sudden change from her usual bouncy/loud self. Previously, it was hard enough to keep up with her on our morning jogs, but now, I can’t even convince her to break out of a walk. Occasionally, she will just set her bottom down on the grass and just watch me walk away. Happily, her appetite hasn’t changed and she is friendly as ever. What concerns me is she is trembling quite a bit and when around sudden movement, she will yelp as if afraid or hurt. She still has an affinity for squeaky toys, though she is less aggressive with them. She has yet to destroy the loofa pup I gave her last night as a distraction. Definitely a concern.