Tag Archives: non-existent web hosting service

Free hosting: near zero interaction with 1FreeHosting

If you’re looking for a non-starter free hosting service, then waste your time with 1FreeHosting. From the moment I signed up, I had zero response from 1FreeHosting about my problem trying to access the server assigned to me in order to FTP my files. Despite that the account sign up was smooth, that’s the extent of my positive experience with 1FreeHosting. Though every interaction appears to be conducted through their customized control panel, the lack of any in-person technical support pretty much turned me off from the service. Obviously if you are looking to a host your website, you’d want the ability to get your content on their servers–which never happened with 1FreeHosting despite what their help center suggests. I feel I have a number of years of experience at this sort of thing, but no amount tweaking got me the needed FTP account privileges to get a website up and running on their servers. Neither their cpanel FTP client nor my own desktop client was able to access my FTP site.

I had pretty much written off 1FreeHosting when 6 months later I get this automated cancellation notice from 1FreeHosting stating that they would be terminating my account for 30 days inactivity.

Important: we require that all websites must have index.html or index.php file uploaded directly to the `public_html` folder. Your website also must be fully operational.

Really hard to get anything uploaded to their hosting service when they can’t correct the FTP account access part. 30 days of inactivity notice coming 6 months after the fact? It’s a joke dealing with this service. Avoid 1FreeHosting.com at all costs.