Tag Archives: culture

Quotations and thoughts on being Asian

World of Warcraft should be placed alongside Facebook and cigarette breaks as leading causes of declining productivity among today’s workers. The game is just so damn addictive.

Asian parents often have one of two mindsets. They are either motivated by the lack of opportunity provided in their own lives, and are determined to provide their children with the facilities and support to excel that they themselves, never had….The other mindset is one of pragmatism. The ever-worrying Asian parent, fearing mediocrity for their child, pushes the poor kid to their limit, all in view for their future.

The “critical language acquisition” stage ends when a child hits 7. Before that age, languages can be easily learned — one of the reasons why Europe and other Asian countries teach foreign languages before Middle School. Sometimes, it’s just ludicrous how the American education system works.

Asian chicks dig white guys. Somewhere in the midst of the pseudo-nationalistic indoctrination our well-meaning parents inflict upon us, we ladies stop paying attention and allow tall(er), skinny, white boy engineers to steal our hearts.

I found some entertaining reading and speculation on the Asian culture (Stuff Asian People Like) after filling out an amusing quiz on “How Asian Are You”.