Here’s another loop Texas weather has thrown our way.
Royal Tenderette Broccoli budding
My spinach seedlings have also begun to show buds. I snipped those off and, as seen on my IG feed, put out the rest of the leafy green starts, plus some bunching onions.
I also decided to plant out the nasturtium starts into the backyard garden beds. These are the Alaska, Jewel Mix and Black Velvet nasturtiums that I started indoors back in November.. I’m not sure what caused them start yellowing (too much light and fertilizer perhaps), but I can always start a new batch when January comes around.
With wet cold weather forecasted for the end of the year, I’m not sure if these young starts will make it outdoors. However, I’m just happy to get at least one salad harvest from current plantings.
I planted the 2nd stock tank garden bed about 2 weeks after the first, to stagger my production. I changed up the filler material and soil composition to see if ultimately results will comparable to the first tank.
End of the season watermelons went into building the foundational layer of the bed, along with stem and brush cuttings. I dearly hope that I’m not growing a watermelon patch in this tank.
In this bed, I used Raised Garden Bed soil, organic compost, peat moss, coarse vermiculite and perlite in different ratios compared to the first bed. I still broadcast Espoma Garden-tone fertilizer over the surface once it was filled up and ready for planting
Soil turned and ready for planting
Starter plant candidates
As with the other bed, tank #2 has cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, dill and garlic aplenty. This time, I added bok choy and spinach starts. But of course, there wasn’t enough space to hold all the broccoli and brussel sprout starters I still had waiting in the wings. I’ve been discussing with the DH if we should get 2 more stock tanks to DIY into garden beds, but of course the limiting factor will be patio space.
All planted with the winter garden! I left a 12″ square open for the next batch of bunching onions, spinach and lettuce I’ve started from seed. Meanwhile, I plan on using that bouquet dill shortly.
These took a couple weeks to build and assemble. I purchased the stock tanks on sale at Tractor Supply Company. I originally wanted to go with the 2×4 tanks, but the size and sale price of 2×6 tanks made them too attractive to pass up. Of course, their size meant we had to rent a truck to haul them home. Luckily, we still had other yard projects that required the rent-a-truck to transport supplies.
Tractor Supply Co offers CountyLine branded stock tanks
Due to their size, I knew these tanks had to be mobile. Especially when filled with soil and water, they’d be a challenge to move around on my patio. I purchased 3/8 carriage bolts, heavy duty casters off Amazon and some waterproof stain. The stain was to seal the lumber on which the casters would be mounted. Finally I had to wait a week to get in an order of 5/16 galvanized threaded bolts, washers and hex nuts…because none of the local home improvement shops had sufficient quantities in stock to buy.
While I waited for the hardware to arrive, I drilled drainage holes in the bottom of the tanks. This required some titanium bits and some wrist strength, as drilling into steel can cause the drill to torque. I then marked out the area where the casters would be mounted. I was banking that 2 pieces of lumber would be enough to support these tanks upright.
I then secured the lumber to stock tanks using 3/8 carriage bolts, washers and hex nuts. Once the 5/16 hardware arrived, I was then able to drill and secure the casters to the lumber.
I then sealed the lumber and the inside of the stock tanks with silicone to prevent water seeping into or leaking into wood. It’s important to have the lumber last as long as possible since I depend on these supports to move these tanks around the yard and patio.
Once everything was drilled and sealed into place, it was time to get the tanks onto the casters and filled.
I lined the bottom with leftover landscape fabric then threw in 2 bags of lawn trimmings and cuttings. Afterwards, I layered in organic raised bed soil, compost, vermiculite, peat moss and perlite, adjusting as needed to get proper drainage. It’s quite an upper body workout to till and turn the soil media,
Fabric liner
Lawn trimmings and organic raised bed soil for layering on top
I had quite a number of dill, kale, lettuce, broccoli, brussel sprouts and cauliflower starts, along with some lettuce seedlings I began indoors. In between the rows, I also stuck some garlic cloves, which took no time to sprout. Unfortunately I have way too many plants to fit in one of these tanks, if I stuck to the square-foot gardening method.
Plant purchases
Brussel sprouts and Broccoli starts from Burpee
More crops to plant
Seeding square to space plants out
Plant Layout
With one bed planted, I realized my new starts needed a little more sun. So I moved them to the east side of the pergola. Even with casters, the tank was almost too heavy to move on my own! I’d like to get more of these stock tanks, but size and mobility are definitely going to be deciding factors…likely I’d go with the smaller tanks next time.
I really needed to do something with a bag of frozen broccoli cuts (not the tasty florets kind) stashed away in my freezer. Here’s a protein-packed and Primal-friendly breakfast and snack that I made with those cuts, courtesy of SkinnyTaste by way of MyFitnessPal’s blog.
I originally projected 8 whole eggs for this recipe, but realized I didn’t have enough egg mix to fill all 12 cups to the brim. (This was before I realized that the mix would rise as it cooked.) I didn’t whip the mix enough to let air in so I anticipated that there would be very little rise.
Hint: the horseradish cheddar that I used in this modified recipe really gives the egg muffins some bite! Were I to change anything to this current recipe, I would probably add more bacon!
Broil or bake the bacon slices in a pre-heated oven at 350F. (Or you can pan-fry the bacon.) Drain/blot grease and crumble bacon after cooking. Set aside.
Meanwhile, cook frozen broccoli per package instructions. Drain excess moisture, season with salt and pepper, and set aside to cool.
Prep a non-stick 12-muffin or cupcake tin by greasing each cup with butter.
Crack eggs into a mixing bowl. Shred the cheese and add to egg mixture. Slowly add broccoli cuts (make sure the broccoli is cooled so it doesn’t cook the egg mix), season with garlic powder and gently mix all ingredients until thoroughly incorporated. Ladle egg mix into muffin tin. Garnish the tops with crumbled bacon.
Bake @ 350F for 20-25 minutes. Best eaten when warm and gooey-cheesy in the middle. Dress with a little sriracha or salsa.
Some of my muffins overflowed their cups during baking, but it was an easy task to scoop them back into each mold. I likely didn’t need to grease the tin due to the non-stick surface; the eggs all popped out of their molds with very little effort.
Refrigerate leftovers in a sealed container.
MFP Recipe Calculator estimate per serving: 175 Calories 2g Carbs 12g Fat 12g Protein 1g Sugar 1g Fiber