As of this morning, Dandy has lost the ability to use her back legs. However, she is still able to control her bowel movements and went when I took her outside. I’ve contacted my vet to get the information on the neuro-specialist. Upon contacting the practice, I was told that the next available appointment was Tuesday, and that if the vet contacted them to inform them this was an emergency, then they could squeeze her in. Luckily Dr Ali recognizes that this is indeed an emergency and promises to call the specialist.
Dandy now behaves as if nothing is bothering her except that she can’t seem to walk right. She doesn’t have the ability to lift her back, and I can’t determine if she has lost all feeling back there.
A guide on how to transfer a domain with minimum downtime, which involves reducing TTL of A names.
Changing the permissions on a cgi counter dat file to get it to work properly. Recreating the dat file in cPanel didn’t work…but changing the permissions to 777 did.
Adding the favicon html code to pages: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/folder-name/logo.ico">
The prednisone isn’t working. Earlier this week, the pain kept Dandy immobile, and she cried nearly all the time when I attempted to move her or pick her up. As early as yesterday, I decided to separate Doogie and crate him in the kitchen so that Dandy can recuperate in peace. She visited the vet again and changed medication to an NSAID, Previcox. The next two months will be a grueling one as the household adjusts to a pup who will be confined to strict crate rest. She will be fed in the crate and only allowed outside to take care of business. Otherwise she will be carried everywhere. The vet insists on getting an MRI, and he also indicated that surgery might be likely.
Knowing the information on IVDD, surgery is not a guaranteed fix. I’m willing to take a chance to go the long route to get Dandy better. What will certainly not be in Dandy’s future is jogging. As much as I enjoy taking the pups out for a run, I am sure that it did nothing but aggravate a condition prevalent with low-slung breeds.
I purchased a crate divider online, having lost or misplaced the one that came with my Midwest double door 36″ crate. Total came to about $30 online from Let’s hope they follow through and ship the divider in timely fashion.
It’s been a long time since I went on the search for a plugin that allowed inline post creation. Eventually, my search parameter changed to front page posting, then front-end posting, and thus I arrived at a couple of plugins that promised to do just that!
Currently I am testing Post-From-Site. Once I inserted the php code in sidebar widget, the widget simply brings up a pop-up window that allows me to type in my content, from my site’s front page…without shuttling down the rabbit hole to get to the back end of WordPress. Extremely convenient! One downside to this plugin however is the very simple posting panel that it pops up when you plan to add a post. Which is okay…because once the post is created, you have access to another plugin that allows you to edit the newly created post…all from the comfort and convenience of the front page.
The second plugin is the Front-end Editor, which allows inline–or should I say–edit in place functionality for existing posts. While it doesn’t appear to allow you to create posts on the front end, it has a much more feature-rich post editor than Post-From-Site. It is another amazingly convenient plugin to have, that makes editing your content a breeze! The downside to this editor is that it doesn’t appear to have an option for html coding…I’ll keep reading up on this excellent plugin and hope to learn more about what it’s capable of.
This site, along with several other sites that I manage, will be moving to a Panamanian web hosting company in the next few days. I find it a time-consuming process zipping up a business’s website and emails, along with sundry backup files/documents, for copying to the new web host. It took overnight to compress a 20Gb file through WHM…and there was no end to the browser clocking as the server attempted to fetch the zipped backup. I am attempting to download the tarred file at home through FIOS to see if I have better luck. I’ve also decided to create a backup through cPanel, to see if this process proves more expeditiously than the WHM method. I found a nice how-to on proceeding with a cPanel backup and restore of accounts on the net. And I also found another how-to write up on migrating reseller/multiple accounts.
Day 2 is fraught with headaches: long transfer times, long download times, and unpacking errors at WHM. I am going to have to try unpacking the tarred files manually to force it to run correctly (i.e. /scripts/restorepkg). I’m not sure if this is an issue with tarred files, poor internet speeds, or a quirky server. We shall have to see…