Category Archives: Doogie

Puppies are soooo darned cute

Puppy (that’s what I call him) still has not found his owner. To recap his story: I found him on the greenbelt next to the pond at my apartments. He sat next to the rail by the creek and he would occasionally approach joggers and beg for some loving. He tried to approach me when I had my pups out for a walk, but Doogie and Dandy were immediately on the defensive and warned him off. I decided at that point to shorten my morning walk and put up the dogs. I went back with a leash and brought Puppy home with me. Gave him food and water then gated him in the kitchen with Doogie before going into work.

When I got home for dinner, Puppy and Doogie seemed to have gotten along. At least, Puppy was still intact. 😀 He followed reasonably well during our evening walk, even elicited some attention from passersby. He was definitely in a playful mood…running and jumping on everything

Needless to say Puppy still hasn’t found his humans and has been rather enjoying his stay in Casa D-Duo. The management staff at the apartments don’t recognize him and neither did the vet’s office up the road. No microchip…and no flyers advertising a lost pup. I’ve begun my search online to see if somebody might have posted about him. Interesting to see many sites for missing pets.

I don’t need another furkid…do I?

Doggy mischief

So on today’s list of puppy pranks and peevishness:

– Dash hopping over the back bed fence after digging up the flower beds
– Doogie destroying hubby’s new bluetooth earpiece
– Dill dilligently divesting himself of the bandage on his paw

The third one really has both of us puppy parents in straits. I think it’s been 2 months or more that we can’t get Dill’s right paw to heal. The vet suggested that he might be licking it out of obsessive behavior…and really, we needed our vet to tell us this? We’ve gone through a month’s supply of bandages and dressings with no luck. Dill has also managed to find a way past his neck cone to lick at the paw at every opportunity. It’s maddening.