Category Archives: Dandy

Puppy slowdown

The past few days has seen Dandy in a lethargic state. She doesn’t appear to be in any pain, but she has been unusually quiet and walking very slowly. This is a sudden change from her usual bouncy/loud self. Previously, it was hard enough to keep up with her on our morning jogs, but now, I can’t even convince her to break out of a walk. Occasionally, she will just set her bottom down on the grass and just watch me walk away. Happily, her appetite hasn’t changed and she is friendly as ever. What concerns me is she is trembling quite a bit and when around sudden movement, she will yelp as if afraid or hurt. She still has an affinity for squeaky toys, though she is less aggressive with them. She has yet to destroy the loofa pup I gave her last night as a distraction. Definitely a concern.