It’s been a few days since I logged my Hard Hat Challenge statuses. I’m having to go over my diary just to figure out what I’ve done over the weekend. House hunting had me on a tear as of late, so I haven’t been as studious in journaling my challenges. Also, I’ve been feeling a twinge/slight pain in the pinched nerve area again. The steroids ran out so I suspect a recurrence of inflammation. I’m taking it easy from the pushups for a bit.
Sept 19:
- Fish Oil
- Attended PBT class
- 100 pushups done!
Hard Hatting it!
Sept 10:
- Fish oil
- Completed another Codecademy section.
- 100 pushups done–trying to do them in sets of 20 now
- Got an appt with an orthopedist to look at my neck/shoulder pain that has persisted for 3.5 weeks
- Attended PBT class
Hard Hat Challenge cont’d
Sept 9:
- Got my fish oil
- Got my 100 pushups
- Got in a walk/jog to the video store despite that I missed my evening PBT class.
- Got an appointment for my Doogie to see the vet on Thursday
- Finished HTML Basics 2 and Social Networking Profile chapters @
Did poorly on the diet–Wingstop undid me.
I’m also hunting down an orthopedist to look at this neck/shoulder pain I’ve been enduring for the last 3 weeks.
Not sure I can go the non-meat route, but this article provided good reading on how to optimize the fat-burning state.
]]>Hard Hat Challenge Status Week 2 September
This weekend went a little rough.
Sept 7:
- Got my fish oil
- Morning strength workout at PBT
- Protein powder coffee (hadn’t had one in awhile)
Hard Hat Challenge Status
Sept 5:
- Ate my fish oil and amino tabs
- Chapter 2 of Web Fundamentals: Codecademy done!
- No soda today–rawr!
- Went to gym AND got my 100 pushups + some additional strength training!
- Got into work EARLY!
Sept 6:
- Apologized to a co-worker for overstepping my bounds, put in a good word for another co-worker
- Ate my fish oil and amino tabs
- No soda today–doin great!
- Gym and 100 pushups