Category Archives: Fitness

Hard Hattin slackin!

It’s been a few days since I logged my Hard Hat Challenge statuses. I’m having to go over my diary just to figure out what I’ve done over the weekend. House hunting had me on a tear as of late, so I haven’t been as studious in journaling my challenges. Also, I’ve been feeling a twinge/slight pain in the pinched nerve area again. The steroids ran out so I suspect a recurrence of inflammation. I’m taking it easy from the pushups for a bit.

Sept 19:

  1. Fish Oil
  2. Attended PBT class
  3. 100 pushups done! 
Sept 20:  ]]>

Hard Hatting it!

Sept 10:

  1. Fish oil
  2. Completed another Codecademy section.
  3. 100 pushups done–trying to do them in sets of 20 now
  4. Got an appt with an orthopedist to look at my neck/shoulder pain that has persisted for 3.5 weeks 
  5. Attended PBT class
Sept 11: ]]>

Hard Hat Challenge cont’d

Sept 9:

  1. Got my fish oil
  2. Got my 100 pushups
  3. Got in a walk/jog to the video store despite that I missed my evening PBT class.
  4. Got an appointment for my Doogie to see the vet on Thursday
  5. Finished HTML Basics 2 and Social Networking Profile chapters @

Did poorly on the diet–Wingstop undid me.

I’m also hunting down an orthopedist to look at this neck/shoulder pain I’ve been enduring for the last 3 weeks.

Not sure I can go the non-meat route, but this article provided good reading on how to optimize the fat-burning state. 


Hard Hat Challenge Status

Sept 5:

  • Ate my fish oil and amino tabs
  • Chapter 2 of Web Fundamentals: Codecademy done!
  • No soda today–rawr!
  • Went to gym AND got my 100 pushups + some additional strength training!
  • Got into work EARLY!

 Sept 6:

  • Apologized to a co-worker for overstepping my bounds, put in a good word for another co-worker 
  • Ate my fish oil and amino tabs
  • No soda today–doin great!
  • Gym and 100 pushups
Deep thought of the day:  ]]>