Back problems

Dandy's Xray 9/11/09I just recovered from a week of back issues when suddenly my pup decided to follow suit. Dandy went into the vet on Friday after 4-5 days of decreased mobility. She occasionally yelped if she moved suddenly or if Doogie collided into her. She slowly, very carefully, climbed up and down curbs when out for a walk. As much as tried to poke and prod her to see where the pain might be, she didn’t react. The veterinarian revealed some concerns that she may be suffering from a common ailment in dachshunds. Spondylosis was one item listed on her chart. Anyway, Dandy received a pain-killer shot and is currently on steroids. The vet prescribed strict crate rest and no activity for a week. That’s a tough thing to do if you’re an active-lifestyle pup!