Kickstarting weight loss with $$$ incentives

I think I can say with relative confidence that most of my injury-prone days are behind me. A lot of hard work invested in our garden and yard in March has alleviated some of the issues I experienced earlier in the year. 

I am dismayed however to discover that my Wahoo Fitness app may be incorrectly reporting calorie burns to MFP when a long pause occurs during strength activities. I’ve reported the issue to Wahoo, but I will have to scrutinize the logs to ensure I’m not overestimating my calorie expenses.

Will this be the year I beat my previous weight loss records? I’ve signed up on to improve my chances of getting below 130lbs. Studies show that financial incentives are more likely to improve weight loss results, so this will be a good experiment to test the outcome.

My goal weight is 129.8 lbs by Sept 15. I have 6 months to achieve this goal with an extra incentive of winning $678. This pot includes the $450 I will have wagered for the course of this challenge. The wager is based on my risk tolerance for the amount wagered and anticipation that this is an achievable goal if I get my ducks in a row. An ROI of 50% is reasonable in my book.

I have two weeks left in this month, which I estimate to lose anywhere between 2-5lbs. Will check back in April to provide an update.

Oh and if anybody is interested in sweetening the deal, I stand to gain $80 per each referral that  signs up with this signup URL (you get $40 added to your winnings as well):

Happy wagering!