1/21 Thursday

Energy: Low, did fetch ball/string 3x in evening
Tracking: Slow, unable to stay focused.
Attitude: Some interest in playing during evening hours. Subdued during most of the day. Will vocalize and seek attention.
Appetite: Enjoyed some wet tuna, drank more tuna juice. Tried to bury leftover tuna. Nibbled on cat food.
Movement: Seems to generate effort while fetching. Walking labored and sluggish. Will jump deliberately on food ledge, chair, ottoman.
Hydration: Spent 1 minute at waterbowl. Fur is dry.
Hygiene: Has shown little self-grooming. No litterbox interest.

Has gotten upset with Conan 2-3x in the evening (doesn’t want to wrestle)
Glazed/cloudy eyes, discharge.
Stronger struggling during prednisolone administration.
Has been at scratching post.

Vet called in morning to confirm that CBC indicated high proteins in blood. He concluded that Drogo has FIP.