Recipe: Chili Garlic Mukimame with Crab and Salmon

Oh, mukimame…how I love thee. You’re the soybean of my dreams, unfettered and free. (Why is it that edamame removed from husks are referred to as “shelled” while imprisoned they are “unshelled”? Seems backward to me.)

While I was shopping at the grocery for a low-fat meat ingredient to go with soybeans, I recalled an edamame salad I once enjoyed from Central Market that featured smoked salmon.  That cinched it, I was going to match soybeans with crab and salmon. (Yes, real crabmeat is a splurge, but it tastes delish!) Edit: I also made this recipe with crawfish and crab (shellfish delight)!

  • Atlantic Salmon Fillets (Farm Raised), about 1/2lb (cut into 4 sections)
  • Garlic – Raw, 20 clove
  • Kroger Private Selection – Frozen Shelled Soybeans (Mukimame),  16oz
  • Kroger’s Private Selection – Wild Caught Claw Crabmeat, 8oz container
  • Huy Fong Foods – Chili Garlic Sauce, 2 tbsp (less if you don’t like spicy)
  • Sempio – Grapeseed Oil, 1 tbsp
  • Abc Kecap Manis – Medium Sweet Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp

Preheat oven to 350F. Place salmon fillets on baking sheet or oil-sprayed pan (I omitted spray). Season with garlic powder, black pepper, salt, or whatever suits your fancy. Place pan in oven and broil for about 10-15 minutes. (It’s okay if still a little rare in center, it will cook out later.) Set aside to cool.

Steam a 16oz bag of mukimame in the microwave for 5 minutes, or boil according to package instructions. Set aside.

Chop garlic. Heat grapeseed oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Fry garlic until golden brown.

Add steamed mukimame and toss in pan for 5 minutes. Stir in chili garlic sauce and sweet soy sauce until beans are coated. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, carefully break apart salmon into small chunks with a fork. Transfer salmon to pan. Empty container of crabmeat into pan. Toss mixture until everything is coated, about 1-2 minutes. Remove pan from heat. Serves 8.

MFP Recipe Calculator estimate per 4oz serving:
205 Calories
11g Carbs
9g Fat
20g Protein
5g Sugar
4g Fiber