Protein smoothie part deux = yuck

Title says it all.

I stopped by Kroger after my morning workout to pickup some 1/2% lowfat milk. (I didn’t even realize such a thing existed–1% I can understand, but half a percent?) I tried my hand at another smoothie, this time using the frozen Tropical Blend fruit from Kroger’s Private Selection brand and 6 fresh blackberries. Threw in some fresh shredded coconut along with my bulk whey protein concentrate, mixed it all with my trusty hand blender.

I discovered that the Orange honey I’ve been using in the smoothie gives it a very off-putting taste. I think that I’ll also have to add orange juice to future smoothie recipes if I’m going to get a sweeter taste that I prefer. 

I’m giving the protein shake/smoothie one more try before I scrap the whole idea. I just can’t justify the expense and effort for such a bland smoothie. 
