Dandy Denied

The prednisone isn’t working. Earlier this week, the pain kept Dandy immobile, and she cried nearly all the time when I attempted to move her or pick her up. As early as yesterday, I decided to separate Doogie and crate him in the kitchen so that Dandy can recuperate in peace. She visited the vet again and changed medication to an NSAID, Previcox. The next two months will be a grueling one as the household adjusts to a pup who will be confined to strict crate rest. She will be fed in the crate and only allowed outside to take care of business. Otherwise she will be carried everywhere. The vet insists on getting an MRI, and he also indicated that surgery might be likely.

Knowing the information on IVDD, surgery is not a guaranteed fix. I’m willing to take a chance to go the long route to get Dandy better. What will certainly not be in Dandy’s future is jogging. As much as I enjoy taking the pups out for a run, I am sure that it did nothing but aggravate a condition prevalent with low-slung breeds.

I purchased a crate divider online, having lost or misplaced the one that came with my Midwest double door 36″ crate. Total came to about $30 online from CagesDirect.com. Let’s hope they follow through and ship the divider in timely fashion.