Tag Archives: iris

Scenes before a cold front

Another day, another eggplant flower. The fruit is looking pretty good, despite some skin damage.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (1) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (2)

Purple pastel salvia greggii behind a red salvia greggii cutting in bloom.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (3)

In the same bed, you can see the hack job I performed on the Oertel’s Rose yarrow, which was once three times its current size. That doesn’t stop it from budding and blooming. But the smaller footprint allowed some room for the irises; here, Mariposa Skies is putting out new foliage. A neighboring iris, Immortality, also displays new leaves.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (4) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (5)

In the lily bed, the white mums are aging gracefully into blush pink senescence. Now, if I hadn’t stuck markers where those strap leaves were emerging, I’d have forgotten the spider lily bulbs I planted in the bed sometime back in June of this year.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (6) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (7)

The tree ring out front is  still non-stop a-bloomin’! Of course, it’s looking somewhat bedraggled these days–apparently, a hare or a family of them has been using it for daytime cover. So it looks well-trampled in some parts. I can’t bring myself to yank out all the marigolds and salvia. It’s always fascinating to watch how long they will keep blooming their heads off.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (8) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (9) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (10) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (11) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (12) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (13)

I also managed to catch a lone loropetalum bloom. And a nice arrangement of Hot Lips salvia triplets.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (14) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (15)

Here is something I haven’t observed; fall foliage color on the potted lantana. Is this normal?

11/02/2011 November Scenes (16)

And the rest of today’s photos: caladiums, vincas, potato vines, Thai basil, miscellaneous herbs. And let’s not forget the many rose buds on the Midnight Blue.

11/02/2011 November Scenes (17) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (18) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (19) 11/02/2011 November Scenes (20)

The first flower of 2008

2/7/2008 Dwarf IrisI caught sight of a pair of dwarf irises (iris reticulata) blooming in B3 yesterday. I snapped this picture this morning; not sure if it’s Cantab or Harmony. It looks like the rain we received Monday night (or was that Tuesday) gave these irises enough incentive to put on a show. I’m hoping to see more irises pop up in both S1 and B3 in the next few days.

Also, as I was doing some yard clean up yesterday, I spied what looked to be either a tulip leaf or a calla leaf in S1…can’t wait to see what it is.