Tag Archives: flowerpics

Unboxing: Flowers By the Sea

My FBTS order has arrived. Plants are amazingly large, healthy and well packed!

Salvia x ‘Raspberry Truffle’ x2
Salvia microphylla ‘Variegata’ x2
Salvia BODACIOUS ‘Smokey Jazz’ x1
Salvia mexicana x hispanica ‘Byron Flint’ x1
Salvia x ‘Waverly’ x1

Beautiful specimens all! One of the salvias already has buds. I can’t decide which specimen is my favorite, they all look fantastic. Can’t wait to get them into the ground!

More March Plant Purchases

Undeterred by my recent shipping disaster, I went ahead and ordered more plants online.

From one of my favorite online shops, Colonial Creek Farm:


Kitten Around Catmint
John Whittlesey Salvia1
Mirage Rose Bi-Color Salvia1
African Blue Basil2

It’s never too late to get bulbs. I’ve been needing to replace the calla lilies that turned into mush after the freeze. I ordered lilies through Brent & Beckys. It may be too late to enjoy the gladiolus, but I’m hoping I can get them into the ground by end of April.

Zantedeschia Picasso – Calla Lily6
Lilium Lollipop – Asiatic5
Lilium Muscadet – Oriental Lily5
Gladiolus Zizanie – Sword Lily10

I received a heads up on a new nursery in Denton, so I headed over Denton Plant Factory right away and got a trunkful of plants. Four Seasons Nursery was only a short drive away so I hopped over to get some ornamental basil, strawberries and golden sage.

March Buds, Blooms and Beds

March is the start of the busy gardening season. So posts come and go sporadically as I try to prep the garden, sow seeds, transplant starts and putter around back and forth trying to get as much yardwork done as possible.

But it’s also a chance to look, reflect and gaze upon the daily pulse of spring as it progresses slowly throughout the month.

Here are some new plants that I installed this week: verbena and delphinium.

Some emerging signs of life and budding from the golden oregano, lorapetalum, serissa, ligustrum, abelia, phlox, ajuga, shantung maple and redbud.

I’m also constantly working the flower beds, with special focus on the shade bed on the side of the house inside the fence line.

Risks of Ordering Plants Online

My order from Annie’s Annuals finally arrived, nearly a week later than the promised delivery date. I should have known that carriers are still dealing with large backlogs and delayed delivery schedules.

The plants didn’t look too good after unpacking, despite the great packaging. I reported the issue to the vendor and Annie’s was kind enough to offer store credit.

Good news for my tomato starts; 15g grow bags have arrived. I plan to transplant them around the beginning of April, once I have acquired cages and come up with a soil mix recipe.