Tag Archives: daylilies

The hunt for evergreen daylilies

Guess who decided to surprise me and work on the dog run? That’s right, DH grabbed a rake and started prepping the run for the sod arriving this weekend. Pictures forthcoming.

Meanwhile, my hunt for a white evergreen daylily has expanded my ambitions of populating the flowerbeds with greenery. Most catalogs and online stores won’t ship until as early as March for my zone 8 gardens, so I still have time to plan my daylily purchases.

Here is my white daylily research so far:

JOAN SENIOR 6″ 25″ EM Reb Ev Dip near white self with lime green throat
GENTLE SHEPHERD 5″ 29″ EM Sev Dip near white self with yellow green throat
WHITE TEMPTATION 5″ 32″ M Sev Dip near white self with green throat
LIGHT THE WAY 6″ 36″ M Reb Sev Dip icy white self with pale green throat
HENRY BAKER 5.5″ 21″ EM Reb Sev Dip near white self with green throat
SAGARMATHA 6″ 27″ VL Reb Sev Dip near white self with olive green throat
WHITE STAG 6″ 18″ M Reb Sev Dip near white self with green throat
WINTER CHILL 6.5″ 34″ ML Reb Sev Dip near white self with chartreuse to green throat
BLIZZARD BAY 6″ 28″ L Reb Sev Tet near white self with green throat
FAITH HOPE CHARITY 6″ 30″ L Reb Ev Dip near white self with small chartreuse throat
ICE PLANET 6.5″ 28″ EM Reb Ev Dip near white with green shadings and green throat
MOONLIT CARESS 5.5″ 26″ ML Sev Tet near white self with green throat
MORMON 8.5″ 20″ EM Reb Ev Dip near white self
SPACECOAST SNOW ANGEL 6.25″ 28″ EM Reb Ev Tet near white self with green throat
TUSCAWILLA TRANQUILITY 5.5″ 21″ EE Reb Sev Dip near white self with lemon lime throat
VANILLA RUFFLES 5″ 20″ ML Ev Dip near white self with green throat

ANNIE LEE 9″ 26″ M Dor Dip near white spider self with light green throat
WHITE STRIPE 5″ 25″ M Dor Dip near white spider with green throat

HEAVENLY ANGEL ICE 8″ 36″ ML Reb Dormant Dip white self above green yellow throat
MARGO REED INDEED 7.5″ 28″ ML Reb Sev Dip cream white with pink undertones and small ruffled white edge above chartreuse throat

The Bug

Bitten by the gardening bug, I went ahead and dumped the rest of the unplanted allium and muscari in the last remaining flower bed, hoping that they haven’t festered too long in the confines of a cold, dark garage. Weather permitting, I will be rearranging them again tomorrow morning, since I only dug trenches and tossed them in without a single thought but to get them buried. After inspecting the other sprouting bulbs, I see that there is little art to planting a straight line of bulbs. I hope to scatter them even more.

I also find myself browsing bulb/seed e-tailers and checking the selections on Ebay. I definitely plan on featuring more daylilies in the flower beds…but some of the more exotic cultivars fetch exorbitant sums online. I’ve decided to do a bit more research in finding the style and height I want. Of course, I had to go to Home Depot this afternoon to check out their perennial bulb collection. I walked away with 2 bags of Crimson Pirate Daylilies, 2 bags of mixed Aquilegia and a 6 pack of Lollypop Asiatic lily bulbs. I have every intention of getting them into the ground this weekend. Now, watch it rain tomorrow….