Tag Archives: coleus

A collection of caladiums and callas

I’ve been thinking about companion plants for callas, and I’m either going with coleus (annuals) or caladiums (perennials). While caladiums don’t boast the same color spectrum as coleus, they may be arguably the more budget-conscious choice, since they can return year after year with the proper care.

Here are the cultivars I’ve been considering:

Red Frill, strap, medium sun-tolerance
Red Ruffles, strap, excellent sun-tolerance
Pink Gem, strap, excellent sun-tolerance
White Wing, strap, excellent sun-tolerance

The Thai variety of caladiums have also recently popped up on the radar, offering bolder colors and variegations than the typical caladiums. I’m unsure of their sun-tolerances, habits, or heights, so I will have to do more research on them. But for now, a good source can be found at AsiaticNursery.com.

Meanwhile, outside of Pacific Callas and ZCallas, I have found a nice selection of Calla lily bulbs to be had at Lakeside Callas and Brent and Becky’s.