Tag Archives: backyard garden

Winterizing the Backyard Beds

Finished trimming shrubs and trees, planting out the last of the brussels and broccoli starts, and composted the beds last week. Just in time for November’s first frost date.

At first I thought I’d have to discard the extra starts, but I decided to install them into the cinder block wall, as well as the 65 gallon felt pot in which the lorapetalum has found a new home.

The nights have dipped back down into the 40s and 50s, so I’m hoping my outdoor greenhouse tent will keep my sensitive plants protected. I’m researching ways to keep things warm in there without resorting to expensive heating.

Cats in Trees

My DH thinks that trees near fences and cats make for disastrous outcomes.

We did move this builder-installed Chinese Pistache to the backyard when we bought our Shantung. At the time, we didn’t have any other shade cover in the backyard, and having a tree there sounded like a good idea. Over time, the lawn surrounding it got ripped out, ornamental beds got installed next to it, and now a pondless waterfall is in the process of being built above it.

This pistache has weathered all sorts of neglect, yet grown tall if a little askew. It’s given our most athletic of cats a place to test his climbing skills. It’s also something to look at with every color change in the fall.

Someday, we’ll likely take out the pistache, but for now, it makes for a great cat climber.

Anyway, it’s a lot more fun than watching them rolling around on the dirt.

Well…maybe not.