Foxie finds a home

I neglected to mention that Foxie found a home in the DFW area late last month. There was some doubt that her hoomom’s friend could take her into an apartment situation. Luckily, her hoomom’s coworker volunteered to take her in and was won over by her winning personality. Foxie really is a beautiful, gentle-natured dog who deserves the best after such a rough life. I will definitely miss her.

The Bug

Bitten by the gardening bug, I went ahead and dumped the rest of the unplanted allium and muscari in the last remaining flower bed, hoping that they haven’t festered too long in the confines of a cold, dark garage. Weather permitting, I will be rearranging them again tomorrow morning, since I only dug trenches and tossed them in without a single thought but to get them buried. After inspecting the other sprouting bulbs, I see that there is little art to planting a straight line of bulbs. I hope to scatter them even more.

I also find myself browsing bulb/seed e-tailers and checking the selections on Ebay. I definitely plan on featuring more daylilies in the flower beds…but some of the more exotic cultivars fetch exorbitant sums online. I’ve decided to do a bit more research in finding the style and height I want. Of course, I had to go to Home Depot this afternoon to check out their perennial bulb collection. I walked away with 2 bags of Crimson Pirate Daylilies, 2 bags of mixed Aquilegia and a 6 pack of Lollypop Asiatic lily bulbs. I have every intention of getting them into the ground this weekend. Now, watch it rain tomorrow….

Catalog days

It’s that time of year again when online and mail-order nurseries bombard the mailbox with their colorful harbingers of spring: the plant and seed catalogs. As usual, they are full of picture-perfect bouquets and irresistible plant collections, not to mention time-sensitive and money-saving offers, in an attempt to get gardeners to open their wallets. Nothing like a slew of full-color catalogs to get me started thinking about flower beds and landscaping.

This year DH and I are committed to restoring the backyard to some semblance of a grassy lawn. DH and drought had effectively killed off most of the Augustine, though some of it has eked out an existence hiding in the lea of our house and under the fence’s shadow. We hope to seed some bermuda, water restrictions permitting, this spring in order to spare ourselves from a mud-stained carpet. Three pups can track in a lot of dirt and mud, among other things.

The tulips and muscari I planted over November and December last year have sprouted, and thankfully, weekly showers have dampened the ground to sustain them. I haven’t determined if any of the alliums have burst through the ground. I hope to have some time this coming weekend to assess the flower beds.

Irresistible discoveries at Central Market

On the way home from work, Central Market‘s Cafe on the Run is a quick alternative to fixing a fancy meal at home. Earlier this week, I spied an interesting pasta salad on display. Normally, I’m not a cold pasta fan and quickly bypass the cold salads in favor of the tastier section, but the name of this salad caught my attention: Smoked Salmon Edamame Pasta salad. Loaded with the title ingredients edamame and smoked salmon, accompanied by cherry tomatoes and pasta shells, and accented with zucchini and a touch of dill, the pasta salad was a wonderful refreshing opener to dinner. It also tasted extremely well on its own as a quick snack/lunch–and because of the soybeans, it’s VERY healthy.

A second discovery at the Market however proved to be my undoing. While searching for a healthier snack chip, I decided to gamble on Terra Chips. My brother had recommended it previously, so I thought it was time to validate his high opinion of it. I picked out the Red Bliss Olive Oil, Roasted Garlic & Parmesan variety, took it home, proceeded to sample it…and suddenly found myself emptying the 5oz bag!! OMG, they’re THAT good! Go get yourself a bag and taste for yourself!

It’s been a great week so far for dining discoveries. Wonder what the weekend will bring?