Category Archives: Technical

Not sending registration email

I’m investigating an issue with this WP install not sending the registration emails for new users. It’s not an issue I encountered with the other sites since this is the only blog that permits open registration. I toyed with setting up an SMTP server on the local box, but it may be something as simple as turning on a function in the php.ini. I’m still doing the research based on the WP forums. Expect to see multiple reboots during the day, which means the occasional site outage.

What’s this theme?

Who’s Beccary you ask? That happens to be the designer of this WordPress ‘Almost Spring’ theme…yes, the green/orange design of this site comprises the theme. I plan to alter/redesign it in the near future once I get the hang of this WordPress thing.

Meanwhile, I’m also investigating calendars and picture gallery plugins to enhance this site. Stay tuned!

Hello world!

Welcome to the second incarnation of this garden blog. After taking a month-long break from the installation nightmare that is WordPress, PHP and MySQL, PirklePet’s Garden is finally up and running.

A few words about the configuration that proved acceptable to this WordPress installation. This site is hosted on a local server currently running Windows XP Professional with SP2 on IIS 5.1 (sorry, no Apache). PirklePet’s Garden runs on PHP version 5.1.2 and MySQL version 5.0.22 CE. WordPress version is 2.0.2. I will supply a detailed install order in a later post.

Let’s hope this second incarnation is both functional and stable…and worth the wait!