Category Archives: Furkids
Lab Results Perplexing
The Saturday before July 4th, Hodor made his annual visit to the vet and had routine blood work done, got his check up, Sentinel tabs, etc etc. The visit went well…or so I thought.
After waiting nearly a week, the vet called back with a grim report: Hodor tested positive for heartworm AND lyme. Needless to say, we are shocked to hear the news. Hodor had been on Sentinel for the past 6 months and displayed no symptoms of either. With the conflicting literature gleaned from the internet about Accuplex, we began to suspect the results. Because of my lack of familiarity with Accuplex 4, we requested a different test be conducted. Hodor’s shelter paperwork indicated that Snap 4DX was used for testing before his adoption. Another blood draw was ordered and sent off to the lab.
The vet called back to say that the Snap 4DX results came back negative on all counts, and she admitted she was perplexed by the results and would need to consult others on the reports. Unfortunately, this news hasn’t allayed our fears–it creates more uncertainty. Vet suggested performing an in-house blood test specifically for heartworm…but I’m obviously reluctant due to the differing lab results. Has anybody had similar experience with Accuplex 4 and Snap 4DX?