Category Archives: Furkids

Swift recovery?

It was nearly 2 weeks ago that Dandy displayed difficulty pain in her back and difficulty walking. After a strict regimen of crate rest and medication, she appears her normal self. She tears out of the crate every day for meal times, bouncing out the door to chase after some imaginary critter. She is even challenging Doogie to bouts of play. Of course this goes against doctor’s orders, since it hasn’t been a solid 4 weeks yet. I am looking to improve her back health with supplements (now that the meds have run out circa last weekend) which will hopefully maintain her. It is an unfortunate consequence of her breed to suffer the same condition repeatedly, especially since she has experienced 2 recurrences of disk problems and is squarely in her middle years.

A pup in pain

It is 5 days now since I took Dandy to the emergency clinic. She is in constant back pain, and it appears she is losing more of her back leg function. I have upped the number of dosages on her meds to help with the pain, but it doesn’t seem to keep her from crying all the time. Of course, the humans in the house don’t get much sleep either.

I am interested in acupuncture therapy but not sure where to start. I’m also considering natural supplements to ease the pain…however, such things don’t take effect until 3 weeks later. The doc left a check-up message on the answering machine, I may have to ask him if she can have stronger doses of painkillers. Although the pain reminds her that she isn’t allowed to walk.

Conservative treatment

It’s been 48 hours since Dandy’s visit to the specialist. Dr Rushing had recommended a CT scan and immediate surgery, since it is very likely that Dandy has had a recurrence of a herniated disc. However, the prohibitive cost of both items plus the timing of the last surgery (it’s only been about 10 months) has eliminated surgery as an option. Dr Rushing has therefore prescribed the alternative, medical management. This is often known as the conservative approach to treating IVDD; the doc suggested that the success rate is 50/50 if going this route. Given the quoted cost of $4100 for surgery and hospitalization, medical management is the only option at this time.

Dandy is still mobile however. She still has deep pain sensation and is able to eliminate normally; it is only her gait and speed that has changed. She does whimper/whine when she is experiencing pain or discomfort more than usual. The doc prescribed Tramadol (for pain and swelling) and Gebapentin (for neuropathic pain). We are looking at 4 weeks of crate rest and restricted activity. The IVDD resource recommends 8 weeks of crate rest. So it will be a long wait to see if Dandy can recover from this second onset of IVDD.

She is again residing in a split crate with Doogie; and she has to be carried everywhere, including outside to potty. She has seemingly accepted this treatment and willingly gone along with it. I think she needs the human contact most especially, since she is definitely anxious with what is going on with her body. Of course, being the typical food lover that she is, her appetite has not been affected in the least bit.

Puppy pains

Dandy appears to be experiencing some difficulty walking again. I thought previously that she might have some tummy problems after a mistake in her crate, but the trouble seems to be linked to her back. After all the emotional stress and financial woes of her back surgery from 2009 I am desperately hoping that it is not once again IVDD. Symptoms include trembling and weakness in her back legs. I’m on the hunt now for a reputable vet in the area to take her in for an exam.