Category Archives: Furkids

New cat tree

Flash received his Xmas gift early this year, to my relief. It was finally time to evict him from my dinette set.

It’s the New Cat Condos Playstation, over 6 feet tall and stable as a rock. I got it on sale on, with free shipping to boot. For the first couple of days, Flash was apprehensive about it. But soon after, he fell in love with it. He loves leaping off and on, up and down the tree…climbing, tearing, rolling, scratching, rubbing and scrambling all over it. Some days, I wish I could be a cat so I can have the wild, crazy fun he’s having.

12/8/2011 New Cat Tree (1) 12/8/2011 New Cat Tree (2) 12/8/2011 New Cat Tree (3) 12/8/2011 New Cat Tree (4)

Half a hale o’ bay

There she is, Miss Midnight Blue!

10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (1) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (2) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (3) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (4) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (5)

The rose has at least 15 buds on it and promises to give us another show before the onset of winter.

The orange mums in the lily bed have aged into a beautiful golden color. Notice the new tenant (Oertel’s Rose yarrow) is putting on new foliage? It seems to be happy in that spot, but then again, it appears to adapt to any situation I’ve thrown at it so far. The two cuttings I planted in the full shade bed appear to be thriving as well

10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (6) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (7)

The sedum basket appears to be doing well despite the danger of frost looming in the distance. It sits in the rosemary bed along with the ornamental kale, who are still homeless.  The rosemary topiary has filled out, but there are some dried out/dead patches–mostly located at the base–that have not filled out. I am considering trimming the base to coax it into a topiary shape, maybe a ball on a stick. Geez, my camera still can’t capture that true yellow bloom color of the Moonglow salvia.

10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (8) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (9) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (10) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (11)

The salvias on the opposite wall are bloomin’ crazy. The intense red and multiple whites are stunning. They will most likely continue to bloom with the occasional rain we get in the next few weeks.

10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (12) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (13) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (14) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (16)

The Licker decided to finally sit and poise for me after much coaxing.

10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (18) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (19) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (20)

I couldn’t resist the $2 sale on these new Cherry Pie Coreopsis at Calloway’s. I read up on these Terra Nova introductions and learned that they had some frost tolerance and therefore suited to fall plantings. So I am eager to give them a test drive in the front flower bed.

10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (21) 10/28/2011 Roses, Salvia, etc (22)

Yes, I also did purchase “half a hale o’ bay” while I was at the store. I caught myself repeating it again–then questioned whether I should have skipped breakfast. To my relief, the cashier made the same error too and we were both chuckling at the tongue twister. I installed it on my Halloween porch display along with the obligatory holiday signage (also 50% off, I might add).

Wishlist plant of the day: Coreopsis Cherry Lemonade.

…and After!

So I cleaned up the leaf-burned foliage with fabulous results. Next I’ll have to find a new home for them!

10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (1) 10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (2)

Doogie decided he wanted to pose for me so I couldn’t miss this opportunity to photograph a spotted dog against the striped foliage.

10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (6) 10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (7) 10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (8)

I couldn’t resist this eye-catching succulent planter when I wandered over to Flower Mound and visited Westbrook Outdoor Solutions, a family-run garden center. I tell ya…I need a new camera with better flash. Or I need to stop taking pictures during dusk and dawn.

10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (3) 10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (4) 10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (5)

Finally, one (albeit poor) shot of the new ornamental kale still looking for a home.

10/23/2011 Gingers and Sedums (9)

Wishlist plant of the day: Hydrangea macrophylla Silver Variegated Mariesii or Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Variegata’, or the Endless Summer sport called Light o’ Day.