Category Archives: Furkids

1/25 Monday

Went to work today so didn’t have much interaction with kitty. Drogo showed more energy in the morning, even ate twice and used litter box. He showed some interest in ball/string but did not give chase. He has been able to navigate up and down the cage with some effort.

As usual, showed considerable lethargy during evening. Was able to receive full morning and evening 1.5mL dosages of prednisolone. Watched ball/string but did not engage.

Energy: Alert in AM, low in PM
Movement: Mobile, but still has foot drag, requires effort
Tracking: Showed some interest in play, was slow to track string
Appetite: Dog food in AM/PM
Attitude: Lethargic, appeared tired or subdued
Hygiene:Fur appears unkempt, gave him a brushing but seemed a little sensitive, did #1 and #2
Hydration: Sipped a few times today

Drooled a lot when receiving dosages.

1/24 Sunday

Morning IM:
he is back in the game room. he was messing with the ball/string for a minute and now he is kneading the bed
well he brought be the ball/string while i was playing
now he is batting at the string, i have it hanging on your chair
he is vocalizing for attention
he is definitely sharper, he is biting at it and swatting

Energy: Alert in AM, low in PM
Movement: Mobile
Tracking: Showed some interest in play, was slow to track string but was batting at it
Appetite: Dog food in AM/PM
Attitude: Lethargic, appeared tired or feverish?
Hygiene:Fur appears unkempt, gave him a brushing but seemed a little sensitive, did #1 and #2
Hydration: Sipped a few times today

He approached litter boxes in kitchen, but contemplated how to enter
He was more brisk with covering litter this evening
He did go to food bowl in cage around feeding time
He is more vocal today
He is watching ball/string today though didn’t seem to have energy to fetch

1/23 Saturday

Stronger this morning, received full 1.5mL dosage. Indicators of #1 and #2 in litter, will investigate in evening. LS says he appears more bloated but eyes seem more focused

Energy: Low in AM, very low in PM
Movement: Plopped to floor in AM, very little activity in PM
Tracking: No interest in play, wasnt focused on play
Appetite: Dog food in AM, no food in evening
Attitude: Lethargic, appeared tired or feverish?
Hygiene:Fur appears unkempt, no bathroom visits observed
Hydration: Water bowl was 3/4 empty

Bad evening for Drogo, hardly any activity or appetite. Did not want to engage in play, was hunched most of the time.

1/22 Friday

Energy: Low, shows interest in playing but won’t give chase. More energy in the evening.
Movement: Still dragging paws against floor. Will jump to ledge, dining and arm chair and ottoman. Tracking: A little better. Vision shows some improvement, pupils are slightly more reactive
Appetite: Ate evening meal dog food, has been trying to bury food. Wasn’t really in the mood for tuna this morning. Nibbled on cat food.
Attitude: Wants attention during the late afternoon/twilight hours, typical vocalization during petting.
Hygiene: No interest in litterbox yet. Fur appears dry and little self-grooming.
Hydration: Drank more water this morning.

Administered extra 1/2mL morning.
Excessive drooling when trying to give prednisolone.
Will jump in lap for petting. Will vocalize and come looking for attention.
Quiver in lower jaw when vocalizing.
Showed interest in new activity: entered cat cage during assembly.
Discharge from eyes.
Stronger struggling during prednisolone administration.
Has been at scratching post.
#1 in litter

Spent night in cat cage, was able to navigate to top ledge. Monitored for any signs of stress. Ate dog/cat food mix and drank some water. Received full dose of prednisolone.

1/21 Thursday

Energy: Low, did fetch ball/string 3x in evening
Tracking: Slow, unable to stay focused.
Attitude: Some interest in playing during evening hours. Subdued during most of the day. Will vocalize and seek attention.
Appetite: Enjoyed some wet tuna, drank more tuna juice. Tried to bury leftover tuna. Nibbled on cat food.
Movement: Seems to generate effort while fetching. Walking labored and sluggish. Will jump deliberately on food ledge, chair, ottoman.
Hydration: Spent 1 minute at waterbowl. Fur is dry.
Hygiene: Has shown little self-grooming. No litterbox interest.

Has gotten upset with Conan 2-3x in the evening (doesn’t want to wrestle)
Glazed/cloudy eyes, discharge.
Stronger struggling during prednisolone administration.
Has been at scratching post.

Vet called in morning to confirm that CBC indicated high proteins in blood. He concluded that Drogo has FIP.