Category Archives: Email Posts

Post by email

Postie redux

Strangely, my last Postie attempt posted as a comment and not a regular post. I fiddled with the cron-less options several times to see if this was just an error or something that Postie is reading in the subject line. In any case I will try regular posting to see if it works. Currently Postie is set to retrieve emails every 10 minutes.

Testing blog by email

One little used feature that I haven’t gotten around to testing until now is WordPress’ post-by-email. It’s been around for as long as I’ve been using WordPress, yet I never did get used to the idea of opening a mail client and submitting blog posts in that manner. It requires an update process either through an activation URL or via Cron job. More info can be found in the WordPress Codex. For this blog, I installed and used the Postie plugin. Here’s to breaking new ground!