All posts by epicureasian

a gardening gamer girl in search of good grub

Playing with fonts…and setting up a new site

I found this post on web fonts and embedded fonts very illuminating. It illustrates the various browser issues that web surfers and designers have to deal with on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, is up and running. Take a look! More work ahead. At the moment, I’m exploring ways of embedding live video chat/conferencing on the site, but it appears that free options are limited. I found some net info on the subject, but I was hoping to use an existing platform like Yahoo Messenger to host video chat directly on the blog. Doesn’t look like there are any ways to embed YIM’s webcam into a site yet.


09/07/07 Dash Professing InnocenceIt always seems that when a new plant finds its way into my flower beds, a mischievous puppy manages to rampage through: uprooting, trampling, eating and mangling all the newcomers.

For example: barely a week into the ground, the new irises I obtained from became victims of a stampeding fur-nephew. If he wasn’t such a cutie, Dash might have gotten more discipline than he received. It’s a sore reminder for us pet-loving gardeners to take extra precautions in securing plants from rambunctious puppies.

Planting irises

I excitedly opened my package from (Zebra Gardens) last night and was exceptionally pleased with the healthy-looking rhizomes and extras that Brad and Kathie sent me. Great packaging too, and their nursery inspection sticker gave me additional satisfaction that I shopped with them. Unfortunately, it looked like they omitted 1 out of 2 Zzzanzibars that I had ordered. I emailed the Kaspereks this morning about them. Anywho, the bonuses I received: 1 Doe Z Doe and 2 Alpha Gnus. The Alpha Gnus, Blueberry Fillies, and Zzzanzibar went straight into the middle flowerbed; Doe Z Doe went into the side yard. I can’t wait to see these irises next year.

A few sites to feast your eyes on

(An old post that I dug up for reposting here.)

After reading an online article in the Star Telegram site about Noka Chocolate, I found myself reviewing the expose on them on Apparently this “anonymous” blog drew some publicity for their incisive look at Noka, drawing some attention from media outlets across the nation.

Now, I’m no stranger to, having perused their dining reviews on occasion over the last year. But I am rather curious about the site and its operators. While their passion for food is plainly obvious, the identities and motivations behind DallasFood are secret…I’ve combed their site looking for answers and found nothing that tells me who or what these people are. Is this some form of viral marketing site? The reviews seem too personal to me.

Still, there is something about the delivery of the food porn here that makes you keep coming back for more. They have a decent catalog of informational locak links, and I am getting a kick out of reading their odyssey in search of the best DFW barbecue. It was here that I found Tex’s Texas Bar-B-Que Web Page, another collection of reviews that grades the best in Texas BBQ.