August Re-Challenge: Off to a bad start

S’ok, I admit that I was perhaps a little to ambitious getting my fitness groove on.

Here’s where I am starting week of 8/25:

1) Eat paleo/primal for a 4-week stretch: Sorry, but the muffins and the corn have been throwing me off. The sodas are DEFINITELY not helping. I sense my hormones are going a little berserk right now which are contributing to the sweetness cravings. Ice cream has also lately caught my attention.

2) Eat at goal 1300 cals (net): Started off strong…then crashed. I’m thinking hormones here too.

3) Push-ups: 100 pushups a day for 4 weeks. Okay, I thought I did pretty well with this…getting to the point where I was enjoying the pain of making it through 100 pushups in one sitting. But then, I pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve somewhere, ‘coz now it’s agony trying to work through even 10.

4) Strength training: have not touched the weights at all. With the exception of PBT classes.

This morning I weighed in at 140.4. No significant weight gain or loss…just maintaining. 
