Final Stretch of an 8-Week Step Challenge

My work team is entering the final stretch of a global initiative to get the company moving, with fitness and healthfulness the end goal. In my previous three weeks, I’ve managed to ramp up my overall steps to above 10k weekly average, progressing each week. I hope to top that number in my final week, but it’s been a slow start so far.

10k steps is a good 3 miles’ walk a day–and a challenge if your butt has never managed to walk any farther than a quick trip to the coffee machine or water cooler. On alternate days, it turns into an endurance test whether it be a brisk jog or run or burst-chasing the pups in the dog park. I’ve had to pick up a new app, new clothes and new shoes to keep up with the daily walks–because frankly, not having the right equipment HURTS! I have noticed an improved quality in my stride after picking up new shoes–my previous running Skechers developed a huge crack along both soles.  A new running wardrobe to wick away the summer sweat also makes daytime walking literally a breeze!

The one huge positive in all this is that my appetite has stayed mostly in check and I’ve succeeded in dropping a few pounds–which supports the adage that diet is 80% of weight loss. I’ve noticed that the steps are also resulting in stronger, albeit much more sore, legs–I wish that my tape measurements would reflect progress, but I suspect that significant changes won’t be evident until I drop to 130lbs.

All of this walking comes with a downside; I haven’t been consistent with my strength training or weightlifting, and my body recomp goals are on a perma-hold status until I can strike a balance between the low-level cardio and heavy lifting. One constant sore reminder is that I still haven’t procured a squat rack for my home gym, which limits the weights I’ve been able to do. I haven’t properly kicked myself in the butt when it comes to pushups either; I manage to hit my goals only once or twice a week, far less than the every day schedule I had planned.

The most important thing I’ve learned on my fitness journey–and it’s been 2.5 years getting here–is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting fit and healthy. I have learned a LOT about what works for my body–I’ve read tons of resources directing me what’s the best way to lose weight, get fit, become a better person, but ultimately found a lot  of “BAD” and “OUTDATED” advice out there.

Realistically, the best program is one that I can stick with–for life!…and that is currently a work in progress.

Hope all my MFP pals find what works for them. 
