On the road to recovery

The past week has been challenging. Watching your beloved furkid just waddling around like a drunken loon is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes comical. After the first few days of pain subsided, Dandy is in high spirits–being the kissy puppy that she is. She is also behaving like the normal haughty princess she is…whining and crying to be out of house arrest. She’s eager to tear our of her crate and get outside at every opportunity. If she spots a toy, she’s dashing for it, ready to tear it apart. In the last 3 days, it’s been quite fun trying to keep this eager pup in check.

For about a week, I was extremely concerned that her right back leg might not improve. She has less muscle mass in that leg, and perhaps that is why it is taking more time for her to regain mobility with it. It’s been painful to watch her run on her right knuckle–I’ve resorted to hoisting her back end by her tail, to give her a little more mobility when she is using the bathroom. Dandy is getting regular her physical therapy, twice to three times a day, favoring the right leg in particular. Today, she seems to be displaying progress with it, since she seems to be dragging it less than normal.

Since she seems to be in less pain these days, I’ve decreased her Tramadol intake to twice daily. But I’ve learned to make sure to give her a half teaspoon of peanut butter with her pills…she has managed to spit out her meds on a few occasions.

Good news, the crate divider panel I ordered finally arrived today! Doogie will be happy to share the crate with her again.