Dandy at Home

After a pit-stop at Sonic (in which Dandy did not deign to share her popcorn chicken with me), Dandy came home. She seemed much relieved to be home, she waddled into her crate and burrowed under the blankets. Doogie too was very much excited to see her, forgetting to eat as he rushed back and forth from the crate to greet her.

Dr Hayashi instructed strict crate rest for the next 4 weeks. Dandy has been prescribed Tramadol and Previcox and physical therapy 2-3 times daily to get her back legs stimulated. One thing I am glad for is that Dandy still has good bowel control, she is able to go to the bathroom when I take her out.

She will have to wait two weeks to get her staples out. Doc also recommended getting some blood work done because of elevated liver numbers. Until then, doctor advised withholding the Previcox.

Dandy also has a recheck scheduled at the hospital in 4 weeks. Doctor was optimistic, but at the same giving some realistic warnings. While Dandy has some use of her back legs, there is no guarantee that she will regain full use of them. She may be clumsy from now on. She might get worse, she might get better. However, only time will tell.